Title: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite getting its first in-game special event! Post by: HCK on June 29, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Harry Potter: Wizards Unite getting its first in-game special event!
The Flora and Fauna event features new Traces, assignments, Oddities, Restricted Books, and more! A countdown to the first in-game special event for Harry Potter: Wizards Unite has begun! Players are seeing information in the Special tab in the assignment tracker. As of right now, the countdown reads just five days, meaning the event should be next Wednesday (July 3, 2019). Same event in beta The Fantastic Flora and Fauna event isn't necessarily new. When the game was only in New Zealand and Australia during its beta period, the event ran for the beta players. What does the special event give you A new Registry page The special event will have lots of new stuff for players to discover. A whole new Registry page with six different images that can be placed: Unicorn: Needs 12 fragments Buckbeak: Needs 10 fragments Acromantula: Needs 3 fragments Tree Stump: Needs 1 fragment Salamander: Needs 1 fragment Snargaluff – Needs 3 fragment While we can't say for certain this e... Source: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite getting its first in-game special event! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/frGJoaA1wJI/fantastic-flora-and-fauna-special-event-coming-harry-potter-wizards-unite) |