Title: Don't miss out on these Twitch Prime freebies for Prime Day 2019 Post by: HCK on June 30, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Don't miss out on these Twitch Prime freebies for Prime Day 2019
Gamers aren't getting left out on Prime Day this year. Amazon Prime Day 2019 is just two weeks away, and Twitch Prime is getting in on the action this year with free content giveaways for games like Apex Legends and unannounced EA Sports titles, along with Twitch Prime Crown Cup tournaments in London and Las Vegas. Beginning July 3, Twitch Prime members can unlock an exclusive Legend skin and weapon skin for Apex Legends, while later in the month and during August, three more exclusive skins will become available, as well as content for multiple EA Sports titles. Best of all, it's all free for Amazon Prime members who've linked their Twitch account. If you're not yet a Prime member, you can start a free 30-day trial to check out its benefits and try out Twitch Prime. You'll also gain access to all the exclusive deals that are only available for Prime members through Prime Day next month. Come July 13, Twitch Prime will be hosting two huge events in London and Las Vegas, both of wh... Source: Don't miss out on these Twitch Prime freebies for Prime Day 2019 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Gxd8amE5QJg/dont-miss-out-these-twitch-prime-freebies-prime-day-2019) |