Title: PlayStation Vue is raising prices for everyone Post by: HCK on July 02, 2019, 04:05:19 pm PlayStation Vue is raising prices for everyone
Whether you're a new or current customer, you're going to have to pay more for any of PlayStation Vue's plans. What you need to know New customers will pay $5 a month across all of the PSVue plans. Existing customers will be grandfathered for a month or so. Why? Because costs are rising, Sony says. Few things in life are guaranteed. Death. Taxes. And streaming services increasing their rates at some point. The latest to do so is Sony's PlayStation Vue. The PlayStation blog dropped the bad news today. Let's break it down: At PlayStation Vue, we always strive to provide the best live TV viewing experience at the most compelling value to our customers. This includes both the content that is popular with our overall customer base, as well as the key features that make PS Vue the best place to watch. Gotta love that. Start with the positive, right? This really is all about you, and making your experience better. It's just, ya know, going to cost you more. With costs rising ea... Source: PlayStation Vue is raising prices for everyone (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/ny7qyMfw4oo/playstation-vue-raising-prices-everyone) |