Title: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - 6 mistakes to avoid when starting out Post by: HCK on July 04, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - 6 mistakes to avoid when starting out
Avoid these disastrous mistakes when starting out in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite! No one expects you to be a pro right out of the gate and when you're first starting out in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, it's entirely possible to make a few mistakes. While no mistake is going to make the game unplayable, the team here at iMore have been playing the game and compiled a short list of some common mistakes you should avoid! Always be brewing potions Once you reach level four in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite, you'll be able to brew potions which can help you defeat foes in Wizarding Challenges, prevent Foundables from disappearing when you try to catch them, heal your stamina when dueling Oddities, and even increase the amount of XP you receive. Potions take hours to brew — the shortest time is two hours — and they are incredibly helpful so you should always be brewing potions. You can have four potions in your potion brewing queue at a time, and as soon as you finish one, y... Source: Harry Potter: Wizards Unite - 6 mistakes to avoid when starting out (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/JnG0Rs0Wlns/harry-potter-wizards-unite-6-mistakes-avoid-when-starting-out) |