Title: The Mac is rich in accessibility features and here's how to use all of them Post by: HCK on July 30, 2019, 04:05:22 pm The Mac is rich in accessibility features and here's how to use all of them
The Mac remains one of the most accessible platforms today, with features to serve all needs. Computers should be for everyone, and that includes those with physical impairments, whether it be to their sight, hearing, or motor function. Apple strives to create products and software that are as accessible as possible to as many people as possible. Here's how you can set up accessibility features on Mac to make them work for you and your needs. How to enable VoiceOver on Mac For the visually impaired, VoiceOver is a handy tool that reads out what's on the screen and also lets you know what your mouse is over so that you don't click the wrong thing. How to enable VoiceOver How to use VoiceOver Training How to change the VoiceOver voice How to use VoiceOver Utility How to set up VoiceOver Portable Preferences How to enable Descriptions Improvements coming in macOS Catalina How to use Zoom on Mac If you have trouble reading text on your Mac or would like to see parts of your scr... Source: The Mac is rich in accessibility features and here's how to use all of them (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/EGDXcfIMws0/accessibility-mac-ultimate-guide) |