Title: Apple just hired the co-creator of the original Xbox Post by: HCK on July 31, 2019, 04:05:21 pm Apple just hired the co-creator of the original Xbox
What you need to know Xbox co-creator Nat Brown announced he has joined Apple. Brown also worked on Valve's VR team Brown said he's excited to focus on "all applications of graphics." Could he contribute to Apple's rumored mixed reality headset? Nat Brown, a Valve veteran and co-creator of the original Xbox, announced he has joined Apple. Brown broke the news in a Twitter thread, in which he hinted at his role with the Cupertino company. "A major thread of my career is an obsession with platform ecosystems and systems engineering," Brown said to start off the thread. I was always fascinated with how hard games push software and hardware platforms in UI/UX, memory, storage, and network requirements, real-time rendering, low-latency input, audio quality, and multimedia generally.— Nat Brown (@natbro) July 29, 2019 games and AR/VR push systems really, really hard. so making games & AR/VR content work well makes platforms better for all types of software. often games spi... Source: Apple just hired the co-creator of the original Xbox (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/6XvEOcYFezQ/xbox-and-valve-veteran-joins-apple) |