Title: The Satechi Keyboard for Mac is better than magic — here's our review Post by: HCK on August 11, 2019, 04:05:25 pm The Satechi Keyboard for Mac is better than magic — here's our review
The Satechi Bluetooth keyboard for Mac offers a wonderful design, a full numeric keypad, and superb battery life! For all the accessories you can buy for your Mac, MacBook, or iPad Pro, there's probably no accessory you would use more than a great keyboard. After all, the butterfly-switch keyboard on the MacBook line up is polarizing, to say the least — it's been known to have issues in the past — and the Magic Keyboard that comes with Apple's iMac isn't for everyone. Enter the Satechi Bluetooth keyboard for Mac, which I have been using for several months every day. It's become my go-to keyboard to work with on all my devices due to its great battery life, full numeric keypad, and its beautifully Apple-like design. Great for any Mac user Satechi Bluetooth keyboard for Mac $80 at Amazon A better typing experience for those... Source: The Satechi Keyboard for Mac is better than magic — here's our review (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/4lLKQuRpUfo/satechi-bluetooth-keyboard) |