Title: Flex that Apple Card a little as you shop and make purchases Post by: HCK on August 18, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Flex that Apple Card a little as you shop and make purchases
Have your awesome new Apple Card? Here's how to start using it for your purchases! We've been eager to get our hands on Apple Card since it was first announced back at Apple's Show Time event in March 2019. While the official public release isn't until around the end of August, there are many out there right now who have Apple Card already with the limited, invitation-only rollout. If you're wondering how to use your shiny new Apple Card to pay for things, here are the basics. How to make Apple Card your default card in Wallet How to make a purchase with Apple Card in-store How to make a purchase with Apple Card online How to make a purchase with Apple Card in-store without Apple Pay How to make Apple Card your default card in Wallet To make things easier, you should have your Apple Card set up as the default card in Wallet. This way, it's always the first card that shows up whenever you use Apple Pay. Launch Wallet on your iPhone. Find your Apple Card, then tap-and-hold on it. ... Source: Flex that Apple Card a little as you shop and make purchases (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/PPve0SAe3FY/how-make-purchases-apple-card) |