Title: A walkie-talkie feature planned for iPhone has reportedly been shelved Post by: HCK on August 27, 2019, 04:05:21 pm A walkie-talkie feature planned for iPhone has reportedly been shelved
The feature would be great in rural areas where coverage is limited and in emergency situations. What you need to know Apple has reportedly shelved a project that would have allowed iPhones users to communicate while offline. Known as Project OGRS, the project would have allegedly run over the 900 megahertz radio spectrum. The report claims the feature could still appear in a future iPhone release. A feature that would have allowed iPhone users to communicate without an internet connection has allegedly been shelved. According to The Information, Apple was developing its "walkie-talkie" feature with the help of Intel. The Information writes: Apple was working with Intel on the technology that would have let people send messages from their iPhones directly to other iPhones over long-distance radio waves that bypass cellular networks, said two people familiar with the project. The technology would have functioned something like a walkie talkie for text messages, giving people ... Source: A walkie-talkie feature planned for iPhone has reportedly been shelved (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/sxAIBjlO1_g/iphone-feature-offline-messaging-has-been-shelved-say-report) |