Title: Apple addresses Siri privacy and grading questions with new FAQ page Post by: HCK on August 29, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Apple addresses Siri privacy and grading questions with new FAQ page
What you need to know Apple published a new FAQ page addressing Siri recording concerns. The page follows Apple's apology for the Siri controversy. Among the topics the FAQs address are grading, transcripts, minimizing data and more. If you have a Siri privacy question, you'll find an answer here. Following the release of its apology for the Siri recording controversy, Apple published a new FAQ site that answers some of the most common questions regarding its Siri recording policy. Titled "Siri Privacy and Grading," it is aimed at calming customers' concerns over their audio Siri recordings. Apple says it listened to feedback and suspended the program, for now. It will return in the fall with new changes, but that still leaves a lot of questions. You'll find answers with this page. The first questions answers the lingering concern about grading: What is grading? Before we suspended grading, our process involved reviewing a small sample of audio from Siri requests —... Source: Apple addresses Siri privacy and grading questions with new FAQ page (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/BXfVsagfaaM/apple-address-siri-privacy-and-grading-questions-new-faq-page) |