Title: All of these Unova region Pokémon that are coming to Pokémon Go Post by: HCK on September 18, 2019, 04:05:33 pm All of these Unova region Pokémon that are coming to Pokémon Go
Pokémon from the Unova Region are headed to Pokémon Go soon! Here are all the ones we know are coming so far If you haven't caught every Pokémon available in Pokémon Go yet, sorry, but even more are coming for you to pursue! Niantic has officially announced that Pokémon from Generation 5, the Unova region, will be added to Pokémon Go very soon! We only have knowledge of a few confirmed Pokémon so far, but it seems inevitable that even more will appear as time goes on. Which Unova Pokémon are confirmed for Pokémon Go so far? Snivy Servine Serperior Tepig Pignite Emboar Oshawott Dewott Samurott Patrat Watchog Lillipup Herdier Stoutland Purrloin Liepard Pansage (Only available in Asia-Pacific) Simisage (Only available on Asia-Pacific) Pansear (Only available in Europe and Africa) Simisear (Only available in Europe and Africa) Panpour (Only available in the Americas) Simipour (Only available in the Americas) Pidove Tranqui... Source: All of these Unova region Pokémon that are coming to Pokémon Go (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/tJRSuzx2uk0/every-unova-region-pokemon-confirmed-pokemon-go-so-far) |