Title: Apple TV+ shares new trailers for Snoopy In Space and more Post by: HCK on September 28, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Apple TV+ shares new trailers for Snoopy In Space and more
They'll all be available on November 1. What you need to know Apple on Friday released three new Apple TV+ trailers. The trailers show off Helpsters, Ghostwriters, and Snoopy in Space. Each show will be available on Apple TV+ beginning November 1. Apple on Friday shared three new trailers for shows headed to Apple TV+, including Helpsters, Ghostwriter, and Snoopy in Space. Each new show has one thing in common: they're catered to younger audiences. We've seen glimpses of these shows already. Helpsters, created in partnership with Sesame Workshop, is about a team of monsters who love solving problems. "Whether it's planning a party, climbing a mountain, or mastering a magic trick, the Helpsters can figure anything out — because everything starts with a plan," the description for Helpsters reads. Ghostwriters is a live-action show that features a younger cast who find themselves helping ghosts who have "unfinished business." Finally, Snoopy in Space follows Charlie... Source: Apple TV+ shares new trailers for Snoopy In Space and more (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/_f9ShYOMjjQ/apple-tv-shares-new-trailers-snoopy-space-and-more) |