Title: This little Apple TV remote tweak with tvOS 13 was long overdue Post by: HCK on September 29, 2019, 04:05:21 pm This little Apple TV remote tweak with tvOS 13 was long overdue
What you need to know Apple made a small change to the Apple TV remote with tvOS 13 that is most welcome. You can't turn on the Apple TV by pressing the touchpad on the Apple TV remote anymore. The change eliminates accidentally turning on your Apple TV when you don't mean to. No more accidentally turning on your Apple TV. With the rollout of tvOS 13, aside from adding new software features, Apple also made one big change to the Apple TV remote. You can't turn on your Apple TV by pressing the remote touchpad anymore. This is an unexpected and long overdue change to the Apple TV remote. The touchpad Apple TV remote has been polarizing to say the least. On the one hand, it looks really sleek with its aluminum and glass finish that is reminiscent of the iPhone. On the other, it's befuddling there is no dedicated power button. All in the sake of minimalism goes Apple's thinking. Prior to tvOS 13, the "power button" was pressing any button that wasn't the volume toggle, including the... Source: This little Apple TV remote tweak with tvOS 13 was long overdue (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Z3XKpektUOY/little-apple-tv-remote-tweak-tvos-13-was-long-overdue) |