Title: How Tony Fadell made the iPod, convinced Steve Jobs to put it on Windows Post by: HCK on October 07, 2019, 04:05:19 pm How Tony Fadell made the iPod, convinced Steve Jobs to put it on Windows
Tony Fadell was one of the senior vice presidents at Apple most responsible for shipping the original iPod. I was at the starting point of first 18 gens of iPod that shipped (& a few generations that didn’t ship). Was a team effort, but mainly technology driven since we could only deliver what we could push the tech to do.You are defined by what you do & also by what you don’t do. https://t.co/P3u11ZcmLm— Tony Fadell (@tfadell) October 6, 2019 Why does Fadell think the iPod went on to be so successful? The real reason why iPod & iPhone were successful was based on the market timing & the complete ground up design (HW+SW) That said, I pushed to ship the 1st iPod in <10 months. Long timelines are the death of daring projects inside (struggling) companies.We even surprised SJ! https://t.co/lnMHYG5BBh— Tony Fadell (@tfadell) October 6, 2019 Does Fadell wish he could go back and make any hardware changes to that original iPod? Not at all&hell... Source: How Tony Fadell made the iPod, convinced Steve Jobs to put it on Windows (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/AY17Z6CqYgM/how-tony-fadell-made-ipod-convinced-steve-jobs-put-it-windows) |