Title: Pokémon Go is about to get spooky with this year's Halloween event Post by: HCK on October 15, 2019, 04:05:21 pm Pokémon Go is about to get spooky with this year's Halloween event
Beginning Oct. 17 at 1 pm PDT, Pokémon Go will be hosting two weeks of spooky Halloween fun. Halloween is always a big deal in Pokémon Go but this year promises to be bigger than ever with new Pokémon, costumes for both avatars and Pokémon, new field research, and so much candy. With so much going on in just two weeks, players might feel overwhelmed. Don't worry though because we've got your back! This comprehensive guide contains all the details you need to make the most of this Halloween. When does the Halloween event begin and end? Starts: Oct. 17, 1 pm PDT Ends: Nov. 1, 1 pm PDT Increased appearances As in previous years, Ghost type and Dark type Pokémon will be showing up more both in the wild and in eggs. Ghost type Pokémon that will likely be available include: Gastly Misdreavous Sableye Shuppet Duskull Drifloon Litwick Yamask (potentially shiny) Dark type pokémon that will likely be available include: Murkrow Sneasal... Source: Pokémon Go is about to get spooky with this year's Halloween event (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/54zZQvBe5qY/pokemon-go-event-guide-halloween) |