Title: Here are all of your options for sharing your personal shortcut collection Post by: HCK on October 21, 2019, 04:05:22 pm Here are all of your options for sharing your personal shortcut collection
Make Shortcuts better for everyone by sharing your personal favorites. The Shortcuts app allows you to create time-saving setups both simple and complicated, but no matter what you've created, if you're proud of it, you might want to share it. This can be a great way for people to set up complicated shortcuts on their own devices without having to slog through creating them or a way for you to do the same. How to share shortcuts from the shortcut editor in iOS 12 How to share shortcuts from the shortcut editor in iOS 13 How to share a shortcut from your Library in iOS 12 How to share a shortcut from your Library in iOS 13 How to share a shortcut from its settings How to share links to a specific shortcut How to share links to all of your Shortcuts How to stop sharing a shortcut How to add a shared shortcut to your library How to share shortcuts from the shortcut editor in iOS 12 Sharing shortcuts in from the app on iOS 12 is fairly simple. Open Shortcuts on your iPhone or iPad. T... Source: Here are all of your options for sharing your personal shortcut collection (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/66D0Z7fDE-s/how-share-your-shortcuts-others-and-how-add-shared-shortcuts) |