Title: Team Go Rocket has begun dropping strange new item: Mysterious Components Post by: HCK on October 23, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Team Go Rocket has begun dropping strange new item: Mysterious Components
Pokémon Go's Team Go Rocket has begun dropping a strange new item that hints towards a new storyline. What you need to know Team Go Rocket Grunts have begun dropping Mysterious Components. The Mysterious Components are used by Grunts to take over Pokéstops and steal resources. Professor Willow has speculated that these items have a greater, more sinister purpose. Since the start of Pokémon Go, the most significant missing piece has always been the storyline. While players get snippets of story with Special Research, that's nothing compared to any of the core games. Slowly but surely, that has been changing, and today's announcement promises to go a long way towards building that story. Coming in the form of a report from the resident professor in Pokémon Go, Professor Oak's student Professor Willow, trainers have been informed that Team Go Rocket Grunts have begun dropping a strange new item, Mysterious Components. While this item does not appear to h... Source: Team Go Rocket has begun dropping strange new item: Mysterious Components (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/tBXK_gM7Q_o/pokemon-go-team-go-rocket-drops-mysterious-components) |