Title: 'The Morning Show' needs an anchor to tie down its seemingly aimless story Post by: HCK on November 04, 2019, 04:05:21 pm 'The Morning Show' needs an anchor to tie down its seemingly aimless story
Getting off to a really rough start due to some lackluster writing, The Morning Show can be a bit tough to digest, but if you make it to the end of the first three episodes, the show begins to show promise. When Apple first announced Apple TV+, The Morning Show was clearly put front and center as its premiere drama, and how could it not be? It's a star-studded cast with huge A-list celebs such as Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Steve Carell — each of which is enough name recognition alone to pique the interest of TV watching masses — and its timely subject matter made it seem like it could be lightning in a bottle. Unfortunately, The Morning Show is off to a really rough start. The first three episodes are available to watch right now, and I wouldn't blame you if you turned it off after the first episode; however, if you stick with it, by the end of episode three, the show starts to show its potential. Exclusive content Apple TV+ $5 per month at Apple 100... Source: 'The Morning Show' needs an anchor to tie down its seemingly aimless story (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/pSNNbyWV_2U/morning-show-review-apple-tv-slow-and-dull-start-there-future-potential) |