Title: Apple News+ is struggling to attract subscribers Post by: HCK on November 15, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Apple News+ is struggling to attract subscribers
Publishers are said to be "disappointed" it hasn't brought in more revenue. What you need to know A CNBC report suggests Apple News+ is struggling to attract subscribers. People familiar with the matter suggest that subscription figures haven't increased materially from the first couple of days. Around 200,000 people signed up in the first 48 hours. A report from CNBC suggests that Apple News+ is struggling to gain subscribers. According to "people familiar with the matter," Apple has not seen a material increase in subscription figures since the initial launch, where 200,000 people signed up in just a couple of days. The report notes: Since Apple launched its paid news app, Apple News+, in March and signed on 200,000 subscribers in 48 hours, the company has struggled to add customers, according to people familiar with the matter. Apple promoted the service at the time, telling potential customers that they could access over 300 top publications in categories including... Source: Apple News+ is struggling to attract subscribers (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/HAB1juy8QhQ/apple-news-struggling-attract-subscribers) |