Title: How a Pokémon's nature affects its stats in Sword and Shield Post by: HCK on November 25, 2019, 04:05:20 pm How a Pokémon's nature affects its stats in Sword and Shield
The nature of your Pokémon affects their battle stats. You might not know this, but every Pokémon you catch in Sword and Shield has a unique nature that affects their stats. There are 25 different natures total, which means there's a lot of room for variance between the creatures you catch. With that being the case, you might want to catch the same Pokémon multiple times until you get one with a nature that matches your battle style. Here's a list of all of the natures a Pokémon can have in Sword and Shield along with how those natures affect battle stats. All Pokémon Natures How nature affects stats How to check your Pokémon's nature It's possible to change a Pokémon's nature All Pokémon Natures Adamant Bashful Brave Bold Calm Careful Docile Gentle Hardy Hasty Impish Jolly Lax Lonely Mild Modest Naive Naughty Quiet Quirky Rash Relaxed Sassy Serious Timid How natures affect stats The nature of your Pokémon affec... Source: How a Pokémon's nature affects its stats in Sword and Shield (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/aFW43cwQScA/pokemon-sword-and-shield-natures-chart) |