Title: Catching Eternatus in Pokémon Sword and Shield is a breeze Post by: HCK on November 25, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Catching Eternatus in Pokémon Sword and Shield is a breeze
It's impossible to miss out on this legendary beast. Eternatus may be one of the coolest looking Pokémon in introduced in Pokémon Sword and Shield, and it makes sense that this powerful monster is a legendary. Regardless of which version you get, you can catch Eternatus in it. This is only something you can do toward the end of the game, but having a Lv. 60 Dragon/Poison type on your team is beneficial no matter when you catch it. Note: The following contains story spoilers for the end of Pokémon Sword and Shield. Where to find Eternatus Encountering Eternatus is tied to the game's story, so you won't be able to miss it. Progress far enough on your journey that you've defeated all 8 gym leaders and have made your way through the finals of the Champion Cup in Wyndon. Continue to challenge Leon, the Champion, and it will be interrupted before the battle begins. This kicks off a set of events that leads you back to Hammerlocke. At Hammerlocke, enter the gym s... Source: Catching Eternatus in Pokémon Sword and Shield is a breeze (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Q62AOdSyfeQ/pokemon-sword-and-shield-how-catch-eternatus) |