Title: Fast & Furious star Sung Kang cast in Apple TV+'s Stephen King Drama Post by: HCK on December 09, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Fast & Furious star Sung Kang cast in Apple TV+'s Stephen King Drama
He joins Julianne Moore, Clie Owen and Dane DeHaan. What you need to know Sung Kang has been cast in Apple TV+ Drama Lisey's Story. Lisey's Story is based on a Stephen King book, and will be produced by J,J, Abrams. Kang is best known for his role as Han in the Fast & Furious franchise. Actor Sung Kang has been cast in Apple TV+ drama Lisey's Story, based on a novel of the same name by Stephen King. As reported by Variety, Kung will play Officer Dan Beckman, a police officer assigned to watch the house of Lisey Moore. The story follows Moore two years after the death of her husband, along with Jim Dooley (Dan Dehaan), a fan of the late Scott Moore who wants to see his unpublished writings see the light of day. The series is based on a 2006 novel by Stephen King, and the eight episodes will be produced by J.J. Abrams. Kang is best known for his role as Han in Fast & Furious, however, has starred in several other movies and tv shows. He has also successfully produced. A... Source: Fast & Furious star Sung Kang cast in Apple TV+'s Stephen King Drama (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/Mgv7spBcMoA/fast-furious-star-sung-kang-cast-apple-tvs-stephen-king-drama-liseys-story) |