Title: Apple Has ‘Deep Concerns’ about Two Ex-Employees Accused of Stealing Trade Secrets Fleeing to China Post by: HCK on December 10, 2019, 04:05:19 pm Apple Has ‘Deep Concerns’ about Two Ex-Employees Accused of Stealing Trade Secrets Fleeing to China
<img style="float: left; margin-right: 10px" src="(http://www.iphonehacks.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/apple-store-logo-194x129.jpg)"> Apple has “deep concerns” that two of its former Chinese-born employees accused of stealing trade secrets could flee back to China. Due to this, the company has asked a federal court to monitor the location of the two accused as they present flight risk. Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span> (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2019/12/apple-deep-concerns-employees-stealing-trade-secrets-fleeing-china.html) Source: Apple Has ‘Deep Concerns’ about Two Ex-Employees Accused of Stealing Trade Secrets Fleeing to China (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2019/12/apple-deep-concerns-employees-stealing-trade-secrets-fleeing-china.html) |