Title: Pokémon Go's latest feature, Buddy Adventure is live for select players! Post by: HCK on December 19, 2019, 04:05:20 pm Pokémon Go's latest feature, Buddy Adventure is live for select players!
Pokémon Go's latest new feature, Buddy Adventure is rolling out today for select players! What you need to know Niantic began rolling out the new Buddy Adventure feature to level 40 Pokémon Go players on December 18, 2019. Within half an hour, the feature expanded to level 30 and higher players. Lauded as the biggest and most collaborative feature to come to Pokémon Go yet, Buddy Adventure offers new ways to interact with your Pokémon. Update: This feature is now live for all players level 2 or higher. Just before 4 PM EST on December 18, 2019, Niantic announced that Buddy Adventure, the latest feature for Pokémon Go had gone live for level 40 players. Within half an hour, another announcement went up letting players level 30 and higher know that they too could try out the new feature. Lauded as the most ambitious and collaborative update to come to Pokémon Go, the Buddy Adventure feature promises to make it feel like your Pokémo... Source: Pokémon Go's latest feature, Buddy Adventure is live for select players! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/6Bveyzva9V8/pokemon-go-buddy-adventure-rolling-out-now) |