Title: Rumor: (PRODUCT)RED Apple Watch Series 5 may be in the works Post by: HCK on December 31, 2019, 04:05:22 pm Rumor: (PRODUCT)RED Apple Watch Series 5 may be in the works
I repeat this is a rumor... What you need to know A rumor suggests that Apple may be planning to launch a (PRODUCT)RED Apple Watch. French site WatchGeneration has suggested a (PRODUCT)RED Series 5 Apple Watch briefly appeared in an Apple database. Apple has previously released several (PRODUCT)RED editions of its products, including a Sport Band and Loop for Apple Watch. A rumor (I repeat, rumor) from French site WatchGeneration via Consomac has suggested that Apple may be planning to release a (PRODUCT)RED Apple Watch Series 5. WatchGeneration is a sister site of MacGeneration, an outlet which has previously been on the money when it comes to Apple leaks. Back in October, MacGeneration spotted a rendering of the then-rumored 16-Inch MacBook Pro within macOS Catalina that turned out to be bang on the money. According to WatchGeneration's report (and some rusty Google translation), they claim: ...but we have everything to believe that such a model is in the pipes of the ma... Source: Rumor: (PRODUCT)RED Apple Watch Series 5 may be in the works (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/QC8oYrugq6k/rumor-productred-apple-watch-series-5-may-be-works) |