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Macintosh News => iPhone/iPod/iPad News => Topic started by: HCK on January 06, 2020, 04:05:22 pm

Title: This Apple Maps concept is the navigation app we all deserve
Post by: HCK on January 06, 2020, 04:05:22 pm
This Apple Maps concept is the navigation app we all deserve

It's got a beautiful UI and some fantastic features.

What you need to know

This Apple Maps concept is the navigation app you've always dreamed of.
Designer Ayman Jaddaa conducted a case study, in which he redesigned Apple's Maps app as a concept with new features and a new UI.
If we all shout about this loudly enough, maybe Apple will take notice (but probably not).

A stunning Apple Maps redesign concept by Ayman Jaddaa is the Apple Maps app that all of us very much deserve.

In a blog post, Jaddaa has revealed an extensive case study he conducted into Apple's Maps app and how he produced a concept with a brand new UI and some great new features. The work that seems to have gone into this is astonishing. He spent time reading requests and feedback, blog posts, comments, and subreddits as well as the reviews of competitor apps. He also read Apple's official Human Interface Guidelines and even created three personas that he could target the app to.

You can check out his website w...

Source: This Apple Maps concept is the navigation app we all deserve (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/tiWgmxVHNLc/apple-maps-concept-navigation-app-we-all-deserve)