Title: Apple signs multi-year Apple TV+ deal with Seinfeld's Julia Louis-Dreyfous Post by: HCK on January 19, 2020, 04:05:20 pm Apple signs multi-year Apple TV+ deal with Seinfeld's Julia Louis-Dreyfous
"I am thrilled about this new partnership with my friends at Apple..." What you need to know Apple has signed a multi-year TV+ deal with Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She starred in Saturday Night Live and Seinfeld. Under the deal, she'll develop projects for Apple as star and producer. Apple has signed a multi-year deal with Julia Louise-Dreyfus, formerly of Saturday Night Live and Seinfeld. In a press release Apple said: Apple inks overall deal with Julia Louis-Dreyfus Apple has signed a sweeping overall deal with multi-award-winning actress and producer Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Under the multi-year agreement, Louis-Dreyfus will develop new projects exclusively for Apple TV+ as both an executive producer and star. The deal marks her first-ever overall deal with a streaming service. "I am thrilled about this new partnership with my friends at Apple," said Louis-Dreyfus. "Also, many thanks and kudos to my representatives for structuring the deal in such a way that I am paid i... Source: Apple signs multi-year Apple TV+ deal with Seinfeld's Julia Louis-Dreyfous (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/1exEHx6QqT8/apple-signs-multi-year-apple-tv-deal-seinfeld-actress-and-producer-julia-louise-dreyfus) |