Title: Team GO Rocket brings double trouble with new Shadow Pokémon in February Post by: HCK on February 04, 2020, 04:05:22 pm Team GO Rocket brings double trouble with new Shadow Pokémon in February
Team GO Rocket is back with a whole new batch of Shadow Pokémon! What you need to know Team GO Rocket has captured more Shadow Pokémon for February. Trainers challenging Team GO Rocket Grunts can now save Shadow Vulpix, Exeggcute, Omanyte, and more. Team GO Rocket Executives now have Shadow Pinsir, Mawile, and Beldum. Today, the Official Pokémon Twitter announced that Pokémon Go Trainers can now rescue even more Shadow Pokémon from Team GO Rocket this month. Team GO Rocket Grunts will have several new Shadow Pokémon on their teams, including Vulpix, Ninetales, Exeggcute, Exeggutor, Omanyte, Omastar, Misdreavus, Carvanha, and Sharpedo. The Team GO Rocket Executives have got their mitts on new Shadow Pokémon as well, including Pinsir, Mawile, and Beldum. And, of course, the Leader of Team GO Rocket, Giovanni, himself has captured a new Legendary Pokémon and turned it into a Shadow Pokémon. For this month only, Trainers can rescue a Shadow Raikou from Giovanni, but only if... Source: Team GO Rocket brings double trouble with new Shadow Pokémon in February (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/lIooNTZiVMc/team-go-rocket-has-captured-even-more-shadow-pokemon-pokemon-go) |