Title: The Outer Worlds on Nintendo Switch has been delayed Post by: HCK on February 07, 2020, 04:05:19 pm The Outer Worlds on Nintendo Switch has been delayed
The current coronavirus outbreak is causing issues with the production of The Outer Worlds on Nintendo Switch. What you need to know The Outer Worlds was first scheduled to release on Nintendo Switch on March 6. Private Division, the publisher of the game, has explained that the Nintendo Switch version is being delayed. The delay is due to the coronavirus outbreak. Just a month before it was set to release on Nintendo Switch, Private Division has delayed The Outer Worlds. According to the publisher, this delay is attributed to the coronavirus. Developer Virtuos, based in Singapore, is handling the port of the game to Nintendo's system. This delay also means that it will be shipping on a physical cartridge at retail. We’re delaying @OuterWorlds on Nintendo Switch due to the coronavirus impacting the Virtuos team working on the port, to provide them enough time to finish development. We’ll now be releasing the physical version on cartridge. Once we have a new launch date, we... Source: The Outer Worlds on Nintendo Switch has been delayed (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/SImfJGUjpKY/outer-worlds-nintendo-switch-release-date-delayed-due-coronavirus-now-shipping-physical-cartridge) |