Title: Neko Atsume: Collect all the cats! Post by: HCK on February 07, 2020, 04:05:19 pm Neko Atsume: Collect all the cats!
The quickest way to get the most gold fish and collect rare cats! Neko Atsume is a cat collector game. But, you don't get to pet or play with these little fur balls. All you can do is put out toys and food, and hope they grace your yard with their presence. So, what's the point in playing? I... don't really know. There is something addictive about figuring out which cats like which toys — and its always a wonderful surprise when you open the game and new cats are hanging out in your yard. If you are new to Neko Atsume, or you're stuck trying to get one last rare cat or one last Momento, we've got a game guide that may help you out. Expand your yard ASAP Remodeling is key Maximize your space Find those rare cats (spoiler alert) Get those Daily Rewards Mementos show they care Buying wallpapers in the Gallery What are power levels anyway? Tips Expand your yard ASAP When you first start playing Neko Atsume, there are only five spots. It is important to unlock the yard expa... Source: Neko Atsume: Collect all the cats! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/3LoOwdR_Gh0/neko-atsume-game-guide-how-collect-all-cats) |