Title: Get your Nintendo Network ID and Nintendo Account in sync Post by: HCK on February 13, 2020, 04:05:18 pm Get your Nintendo Network ID and Nintendo Account in sync
You might have a Nintendo Account. You might have a Nintendo Network ID (NNID). If you've just started using the Nintendo Switch or you need to transfer data from another Nintendo console, you might find that you don't have both accounts linked together. There are a few reasons why connecting your Nintendo Account to your NNID could benefit your gaming experience, like being able to combine your eShop funds across devices. Here's how to link your NNID with your Nintendo Account. How to link you Nintendo ID with your Nintendo Account What's the difference between a Nintendo Network ID and a Nintendo Account? Link your Nintendo Network ID and your Nintendo Account Unlink your Nintendo Network ID and your Nintendo Account What's the difference between a Nintendo Network ID and a Nintendo Account? The short answer is that an NNID is used to make purchases on the Wii U and 3DS, while a Nintendo Account is used to make purchases on the Switch. To expand on that a little more, if you... Source: Get your Nintendo Network ID and Nintendo Account in sync (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/j6vkCEQhoP4/how-link-your-nintendo-network-id-your-nintendo-account-nintendo-switch) |