Title: Check out these hilarious predictions for Gen 8's new mythical Pokémon Post by: HCK on February 19, 2020, 04:05:19 pm Check out these hilarious predictions for Gen 8's new mythical Pokémon
People of the internet, I love you so. Game Freak recently announced that a new mythical Pokémon would be coming to Sword and Shield in the near future. The developers behind the Pokémon franchise have only left us a silhouette of the new creature and gone on to say that more information will be revealed on February 27, 2020. In the meantime, the internet is making both hilarious and awesome guesses for what this mythical Pokémon will look like. Check them out! It's always Charizard Many people haven't been too happy with how much effort Game Freak has put into making Charizard variants. After all, there are plenty of other Pokémon out there who could use a cool new version. This image makes fun of Charizard's ubiquity. Note the Charizard heads on the Sword and Shield logos. I wonder what does the NEW MYTHICAL Pokemon looks like... from pokemon Or Pikachu Pikachu is obviously the most identifiable Pokémon of them all. There have been a few diff... Source: Check out these hilarious predictions for Gen 8's new mythical Pokémon (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/BJ_mq0N4PP8/pokemon-sword-and-shield-players-hilarious-memes-predict-what-new-mythical-pokemon-looks) |