Title: Protect your iPhone 8 with a case that's great! Post by: HCK on March 02, 2020, 04:05:21 pm Protect your iPhone 8 with a case that's great!
The iPhone 8 might be yesterday's news, but that doesn't mean it isn't worth protecting, especially when its exterior made primarily of one material: glass. This means that you'll probably want some kind of case to keep it safe and scratch-free. Whether you're looking for a case that offers bare-bones protection or one that does a little more, this collection is sure to have something you'll want. Official Protection Apple iPhone 8 Silicone Case Staff Favorite Apple's own silicone iPhone 8 case offers no-frills protection for your new device, and it comes in several beautiful colors. The silicone is comfortable in your hand, and it offers the added benefit of keeping your iPhone from slipping to the ground. $35 at Amazon Luxury Leather Apple Leather Case Apple's official leather case is an excellent option if you want something a little fancier than the Silicone case but still made by Apple. It comes in an assortment of excellent colors, from standards such as black and b... Source: Protect your iPhone 8 with a case that's great! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/n-gavZ9OdV0/best-iphone-8-cases) |