Title: Mysterious company Humane hires yet another Apple executive Post by: HCK on March 13, 2020, 04:05:19 pm Mysterious company Humane hires yet another Apple executive
The future of computing remains a mystery. What you need to know Humane has hired Apple VP of Engineering Rubén Caballero. The company has now hired at least ten current and former Apple employees. It is still unknown what the company will be unveiling as its first product. Mysterious technology company Humane, which was founded by two former Apple executives, has hired yet another Apple employee away from their former employer. Reported by 9to5Mac, Humane has hired Rubén Caballero, a Vice President of Engineering at Apple of fifteen years who served as one of the founding leaders of the iPhone hardware team. Caballero is joining Humane as a Technical Advisor according to the announcement from the company. "Rubén's belief in Humane's mission to push computing forward, his alignment with our values of Trust, Truth, and Joy, and his excitement for our product vision is what propelled us to work together again. When it comes to the task of developing new kinds of technologi... Source: Mysterious company Humane hires yet another Apple executive (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/L-j0VXb0ydE/mysterious-company-humane-hires-yet-another-apple-executive) |