Title: Apple Releases iOS 13.4 GM and iPadOS 13.4 GM for iPhones and iPads Post by: HCK on March 19, 2020, 04:05:19 pm Apple Releases iOS 13.4 GM and iPadOS 13.4 GM for iPhones and iPads
<img style="float: left; margin-right: 10px" src="(http://www.iphonehacks.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/iPadOS-13-194x129.jpg)"> Apple has released the Gold Master builds of iOS 13.4 and iPadOS 13.4 operating systems for compatible iPhones and iPads. These updates can now be downloaded and installed on iPhones and iPads that are registered with Apple’s Developer Beta program. Continue reading <span class="meta-nav">→</span> (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2020/03/apple-releases-ios-13-4-gm-ipados-13-4-gm-iphones-ipads.html) Source: Apple Releases iOS 13.4 GM and iPadOS 13.4 GM for iPhones and iPads (http://www.iphonehacks.com/2020/03/apple-releases-ios-13-4-gm-ipados-13-4-gm-iphones-ipads.html) |