Title: It's time to sell your old Mac so you can buy a new one - Here's how! Post by: HCK on March 21, 2020, 04:05:21 pm It's time to sell your old Mac so you can buy a new one - Here's how!
How do I clear my Mac so I can sell it? You just have to reformat your hard drive and reinstall a clean version of the operating system. It is that time again. Time to decide whether to keep or replace your Mac laptop or desktop computer. If you are reading this article, chances are you've already come to the decision to replace your Mac with the MacBook Air (or maybe you just got a new Mac as a present!), and you're thinking about selling your old model. The first thing you should do before hitting the streets to sell your old Mac is clear it of any and all personal data. You don't want to accidentally sell your computer to a stranger when you are still logged into iCloud. Step 1: Back up your Mac Step 2: Sign out of everything Step 3: Unpair Bluetooth devices Step 4: Erase your hard drive Step 5: Reinstall a clean Mac operating system If you're selling a MacBook Pro with Touch Bar Troubleshooting erasing your hard drive or reinstalling macOS Step 1: Back up your Mac If y... Source: It's time to sell your old Mac so you can buy a new one - Here's how! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/yj86mFrIjzk/how-to-prepare-mac-for-sale) |