Title: Taiwan bans government use of Zoom Post by: HCK on April 08, 2020, 04:05:24 pm Taiwan bans government use of Zoom
Public bodies have been told not to use products with "security concerns". What you need to know The Taiwanese government has banned the use of Zoom. Neither government agencies nor specific organizations will be allowed to use the software. The move is part of a wider ban on video conferencing software, hardware, and services that pose security risks. The Taiwanese government has banned government agencies and specific organizations from using Zoom, citing security risks. As reported by DigiTimes: Taiwan's Department of Cyber Security has banned all government agencies and specific non-government organizations not to use video conferencing hardware, software, and services that pose information security risks such as Zoom. According to Cyber Security Management Act coming into force in 2019, government agencies, when choosing information and communication systems, should give priority to domestically-originated hardware/software and services or those provided by govern... Source: Taiwan bans government use of Zoom (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/LcqEXPX0_EY/taiwans-bans-government-use-zoom) |