Title: Check your credit card balance in AR with this new Apple Card concept Post by: HCK on April 15, 2020, 04:05:23 pm Check your credit card balance in AR with this new Apple Card concept
Check your balance and your transaction history in augmented reality. What you need to know A new concept shows off what an Apple AR experience could look like. The video was created by AR/VR Product Designer Volodymyr Kurbatov. Apple is reported to be working on AR glasses for the near future. Checking the details of your Apple Card, such as your balance and transaction history, is as simple as opening up the Wallet app and tapping on your card. A new concept from Volodymyr Kurbatov, however, tries to take the Apple Card to a whole new level by using augmented reality with the physical Apple Card. Reported by Cult of Mac, Kurbatov says that he has seen a lot of AR demos showing some basic information hovering next to a physical card, but wanted to experiment with how you could actually interact with the user interface. "There are plenty of demos that show some finance info on a card. I wanted to make it one step further and explore interactions in context." This curiosi... Source: Check your credit card balance in AR with this new Apple Card concept (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/c8ZEi7YBLFo/check-your-credit-card-balance-ar-new-apple-card-concept) |