Title: Logitech's Magic Keyboard alternative for the iPad is now available Post by: HCK on April 16, 2020, 04:05:20 pm Logitech's Magic Keyboard alternative for the iPad is now available
Go pro without having a pro iPad. What you need to know Logitech has launched its new keyboard case for the 7th generation iPad. The case features a trackpad and backlit keyboard. It is available now for $149.95 and is available now on Apple's website. Apple surprised everyone by not only announcing the anticipated iPhone SE today but also making the Magic Keyboard for iPad Pro available to order. While it is sure to be a hit with iPad Pro users who are looking for a trackpad and backlit keys for their tablet, regular iPad users were left out. Logitech has stepped in to create something just for customers who want more from their regular iPad. The Logitech Combo Touch Keyboard Case with Trackpad for iPad has launched today on Apple's website. It is a Magic Keyboard alternative that brings some of the best parts of Apple's high-end keyboard case to owners of the 7th generation iPad or iPad Air for half the cost. Trackpad delight! Logitech Combo Touch Keyboard Case with Track... Source: Logitech's Magic Keyboard alternative for the iPad is now available (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/zIyLimOwWvo/logitechs-magic-keyboard-alternative-ipad-now-available) |