Title: Here's all the Apple news you should have read this week Post by: HCK on April 26, 2020, 04:05:20 pm Here's all the Apple news you should have read this week
It's been a busy week! Another week is done, at least we think it is... who really knows what day it is anymore? This week we saw scatterings of rumors about upcoming products from Apple including new AirPods, a new iMac, and more. We saw some awesome iPhone 12 leaks and plenty of news about contact tracing technology. Here's all the Apple news you should have read this week. Contact tracing Following Apple and Google's joint announcement of contact tracing technology, several countries are starting to run into issues, notably where Apple won't support their apps because they plan to use centralized databases to hold user information. France claims Apple's privacy policy is blocking its contact tracing app EU industry chief calls on Apple to ensure contact tracing apps work on iPhone Apple expands its services On April 21, Apple announced that it was expanding its App Store, Apple Arcade, and Apple Music to a whole host of new countries. The App Store, Apple Arcade, and A... Source: Here's all the Apple news you should have read this week (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/GgaE8BaUIEk/heres-all-apple-news-you-should-have-read-week-2) |