Title: Samsung's The Frame 4K TV is a work of art on sale from $760 today only Post by: HCK on April 27, 2020, 04:05:25 pm Samsung's The Frame 4K TV is a work of art on sale from $760 today only
TVs all kind of look the same these days, and not in a good way. They add a lot of visual clutter to a room, particularly when not in use, and with some of the sizes they come in these days, they really dominate the room they are in. That's a problem Samsung set out to solve with its The Frame. Instead of being a blank black slab, it's a 4K UHD TV set that, when not in use, transforms itself into a work of art and today only Woot has select factory reconditioned models on sale starting at $759.99. Though these TVs aren't brand new, they've each been inspected directly by Samsung to ensure they're in like new condition and properly working. Samsung even includes a 90-day warranty with the purchase. Log in with an Amazon Prime membership for free shipping, or start a free 30-day trial. The unique feature of this set is its Art Mode. When you aren't using the TV, it basically becomes the frame of a work of art (hence the name). You can choose your favorite art, even buy some of the on... Source: Samsung's The Frame 4K TV is a work of art on sale from $760 today only (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/lkcNywmqLWk/samsungs-frame-4k-tv-work-art-sale-760-today-only) |