Title: Pokémon Go's Community Day has evolved and it's super effective! Post by: HCK on April 29, 2020, 04:05:21 pm Pokémon Go's Community Day has evolved and it's super effective!
But you still gotta catch 'em all! At its core, Pokémon Go has always been about getting players up and moving, traveling to places of local interest, and meeting up with Pokémon fans from all over. Go is even in the name! So, in a time of social distancing, shelter in place orders, and so many quarantined, Pokémon Go and games like it have really had to adapt their gameplay to keep players safe. In March 2020, this meant canceling Community Day for the first time in over two years. It was a hard choice to make because now, more than ever, we need community, but it was also the right choice. So, when just a little over a month later, Niantic announced Community Day had been rescheduled, many players (myself included) were skeptical. What worked? While I was admittedly skeptical of the concept of Community Day: Stay at Home Edition, I feel like a lot of what Niantic did here worked really well. I was able to complete the special research, catch and evolve a Shiny Abra, and powe... Source: Pokémon Go's Community Day has evolved and it's super effective! (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/G7nnl_9lDUE/pokemon-gos-community-day-stay-home-edition-actually-works) |