Title: Queer Eye's Bobby Berk shared his design expertise in Animal Crossing Post by: HCK on April 29, 2020, 04:05:21 pm Queer Eye's Bobby Berk shared his design expertise in Animal Crossing
This makes my home look like a dump. What you need to know Queer Eye's Bobby Berk took to Twitter to give some advice on interior design in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. Yes, some of the homes probably make yours look terrible (or amazing) by comparison. It's unclear if Queer Eye will host something like this again in the future on Twitter. Not even the Fab Five are immune to the charm of Animal Crossing: New Horizons. While we all wait for the next season of Queer Eye, Bobby Berk, the show's interior design expert, decided to give some fans tips on how to spruce up their homes in Nintendo's game. A lot of his replies on Twitter tended to be jokes or praise for someone's house, but from time to time her did offer some genuine advice, like adding some lighting to to brighten up a place. Gurl... you trashy! |