Title: Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple's Mini LED products likely delayed until 2021 Post by: HCK on May 07, 2020, 04:05:18 pm Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple's Mini LED products likely delayed until 2021
"Even if the short-term schedule is affected by the new coronavirus, it will not damage the long-term positive trend." What you need to know Ming-Chi Kuo says Apple's Mini LED devices may be delayed until next year. He says that Apple's manufacturers will begin mass production in Q3 of 2020. The final assembly will take place in Q4, leaving very little room for the launch of any Mini LED devices this year. A report from analyst Ming-Chi Kuo suggests that Apple's new Mini LED-based products may not debut until next year. As reported by AppleInsider: In a note to investors on Thursday, Kuo said recent supply chain checks indicate Apple's manufacturing partners are gearing up for mass production of LED chips in the third quarter of 2020. That will be followed by panel and terminal assembly in the fourth quarter, with the latter manufacturing phase potentially creeping into the first quarter of 2021. The report notes that Ming-Chi Kuo has previously predicted the release of ... Source: Ming-Chi Kuo: Apple's Mini LED products likely delayed until 2021 (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/IFDIWICbXrY/ming-chi-kuo-apples-mini-led-products-delayed-until-2021) |