Title: Twitter adds awesome new 'Retweets with comments' feature to iOS Post by: HCK on May 13, 2020, 04:05:24 pm Twitter adds awesome new 'Retweets with comments' feature to iOS
It means you'll be able to see who has retweeted you by commenting! What you need to know There's a brand new Twitter feature for iOS. It's lets you see Retweets with comments. Previously, it was quite easy to miss when someone commented whilst Retweeting you. Twitter has updated its iOS app for both iPhone and iPad with a new Retweets with comments feature. Twitter made the announcement on erm... Twitter... overnight stating: Don't miss the Tweets about your Tweet. Now on iOS, you can see Retweets with comments all in one place. Don’t miss the Tweets about your Tweet. Now on iOS, you can see Retweets with comments all in one place. pic.twitter.com/oanjZfzC6y— Twitter (@Twitter) May 12, 2020 The feature is very straightforward, as you can see from the attached video. Now, on iOS, you can tap on the Retweets marker on one of your tweets, and you'll be greeted with two separate lists, one for Retweets with comments, and one for Retweets without. Twitter has mad... Source: Twitter adds awesome new 'Retweets with comments' feature to iOS (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/lXnAfcO42EU/twitter-adds-awesome-new-retweets-comments-feature-ios) |