Title: How to protect your iPhone privacy and security while protesting Post by: HCK on June 04, 2020, 04:05:23 pm How to protect your iPhone privacy and security while protesting
Out of the box, your iPhone tries to strike a balance between security and safety, privacy, and convenience: If you have location on, especially for social apps and photos, they can be used to find you and others in case of emergency. But they can also be used to place you and others in situations of tyranny. Videos can help document and prosecute abusers but can also be used to identify and target people standing up to abuse. Online backup can save your data even if your iPhone is taken or damaged, but can also expose your data to extralegal seizure from servers. Notifications and biometrics can help you get things done faster but can also let others get to your things faster. If you're at home, you probably want to keep your iPhone set to maximum convenience. Also, if you're a bad actor of any kind, leave it like that as well. Please and thank you. But, if you're putting yourself in harm's way, if you're on the front lines as press or health care or to protect the rights, ci... Source: How to protect your iPhone privacy and security while protesting (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/hzGQl5ABRQc/how-protect-your-iphone-privacy-and-security-while-protesting) |