Title: Code in iOS 13.5.5 shows Apple is working on a services bundle Post by: HCK on June 04, 2020, 04:05:24 pm Code in iOS 13.5.5 shows Apple is working on a services bundle
Apple continues to slowly push towards a services bundle. What you need to know Apple is still working on a services bundle. Code found within iOS 13.5.5 makes reference to such an offering. Apple has been rumored to be working on a bundle for years. Apple has long been rumored to be working on bundling its services together into one discounted price. A new report from 9to5Mac has brought some new weight to that rumor. According to the report, internal files in iOS 13.5.5 make reference to a "bundle offer and bundle subscription". 9to5Mac says that this code is related to Apple's own services. "iOS 13.5.5 internal files include references to a "bundle offer" and "bundle subscription" that didn't exist in previous iOS versions. These codes are related to the management system of Apple's own services subscriptions like Apple News+, so we believe the company still has plans to offer a discount combo with its services." Apple currently sells all of its services separately. If... Source: Code in iOS 13.5.5 shows Apple is working on a services bundle (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/_E4_-g7PqO4/code-ios-1355-shows-apple-working-services-bundle) |