Title: Unknown 'OpenCore Computer' debuts Hackintosh to immediate backlash Post by: HCK on June 15, 2020, 04:05:20 pm Unknown 'OpenCore Computer' debuts Hackintosh to immediate backlash
Want to buy a Hackintosh with Bitcoin? Me neither. What you need to know A company called OpenCore Computer is selling a Hackintosh. Previous companies who tried to do so were sued by Apple for violating the macOS licensing agreement. The developers behind the OpenCore platform have already warned users to avoid the company. A mysterious new company called OpenCore Computer has begun selling a Hackintosh computer that violates Apple's macOS end-user licensing agreement. The tower, called the Velociraptor, is the first of a line that the company calls "zero-compromise Hackintoshes". The computer has a number of configurations available and starts at $2199. Reported by MacRumors, the legal ramifications of OpenCore Computer's offering could be similar to that of Psystar Corporation, a now-defunct company who tried to sell a similar product. "Commercial Hackintoshes have a notorious legal history. The now-defunct Psystar Corporation sold so-called "Open Computers" from 2008, w... Source: Unknown 'OpenCore Computer' debuts Hackintosh to immediate backlash (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/dVOZBkIBLkc/mysterious-opencore-computer-debuts-new-hackintosh-sale) |