Title: Craig Federighi talks Apple's privacy news at WWDC in new interview Post by: HCK on June 23, 2020, 04:05:21 pm Craig Federighi talks Apple's privacy news at WWDC in new interview
Craig talks privacy in iOS 14. What you need to know Craig Federighi sat down with Fast Company to talk about privacy after his WWDC keynote. The executive talked about Apple's vision for privacy going forward. He also touched on some of the new features in iOS 14. Craig Federighi talked a lot about new privacy features across all of Apple's software updates this year. To bring some context to what he and Apple are thinking about when they build these features, the executive sat down (virtually) with Fast Company to talk about what was just announced. Federighi started off by saying that one of Apple's greatest contributions to humanity will be their ability to show that great user experiences don't have to come at the cost of privacy. "We hope to build a lot of great products that bring customers a lot of joy every year ... But in the fullness of time, in the scope of hundreds of years from now, I think the place where I hope people can look back and talk about the places ... Source: Craig Federighi talks Apple's privacy news at WWDC in new interview (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/2MpeNIce5Us/craig-federighi-talks-apples-privacy-news-wwdc-new-interview) |