Title: Registration opens for Apple Camp at Home Post by: HCK on June 30, 2020, 04:05:19 pm Registration opens for Apple Camp at Home
You can get a free activity book when you sign your child up! What you need to know Apple Camp is virtual for 2020. Registration is now open for Apple Camp at Home. You get a free activity book when you sign up. Registration has opened for Apple Camp at Home, Apple's 2020 Apple Camp which will be held virtually online. Apple announced that Apple Camp would take place as a virtual event a couple of weeks ago, from that report: Apple has announced that its yearly Apple Camp will still occur this year, with a slight twist. This year's camp, rather than being hosted in a physical location, will be hosted online. Apple Camp at Home will bring digital programs to kids ages 8-12 for free in the form of a self-guided activity book as well as one-on-one virtual sessions with Apple Creatives. Registration for Apple's online sessions is now open. Apple's website states: Kids have a unique opportunity this summer to experience Apple Camp from home. Each project takes about an ho... Source: Registration opens for Apple Camp at Home (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/TheIphoneBlog/~3/d7WSjQ05Tko/registration-opens-apple-camp-home) |